Baraja’s unique and ingenious take on lidar shines in a crowded industry

It seems like every company making lidar has a new and clever approach, but Baraja takes the cake. Its method is not only elegant and powerful, but fundamentally avoids many issues that nag other lidar technologies. But it’ll need more than smart tech to make headway in this complex and evolving industry. To understand how … Continue reading Baraja’s unique and ingenious take on lidar shines in a crowded industry

“Anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed,” Elon Musk says

Today at Tesla’s first Autonomy Day event, Elon Musk took questions from the press but didn’t have time for questions about Lidar. Historically, he’s been vocal about the technology, and this time he put it as clear as he could. “LIDAR is a fool’s errand,” Elon Musk said. “Anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed. Doomed! … Continue reading “Anyone relying on LIDAR is doomed,” Elon Musk says

Luminar puts its lidar tech into production through acquisitions and smart engineering

When Luminar came out of stealth last year with its built-from-scratch lidar system, it seemed to beat established players like Velodyne at their own game — but at great expense and with no capability to build at scale. After the tech proved itself on the road, however, Luminar got to work making its device better, … Continue reading Luminar puts its lidar tech into production through acquisitions and smart engineering

This new lidar sensor could equip every autonomous car in the world by the end of 2018

The startup Luminar aims to challenge market leaders by building its hardware at a never-before-seen scale. A new lidar sensor could equip thousands of driverless cars with the sensing abilities required to drive at high speeds on the open road. Lidar has become the primary way most driverless cars sense the world around them, bouncing … Continue reading This new lidar sensor could equip every autonomous car in the world by the end of 2018